.Monday, 19 July 2010 ' 11:17 pm Y
My dad said that his uncle, who used to be a butcher, had nicknames for his 3 sons, namely: 海猪,山猪,and some other pig tt can't be translated from hokkien into chinese. LOl.
And so therefore now my sis is a 海猪.
海猪 rendition #1 - UNDERWATER MODE!
海猪 rendition #2 - 蜻蜓点水FAIL. Worthy of failblog and fml.sg. LOL.
What a fata**. This kind of creature is BEGGING for a shark to eat it up LOL.
If the enemy seeks us to surrender,
I, like a true Japanese man,
Will say "I'll consider it",
"Perhaps next time",
"We'll use discretion"
By all which I mean "NO"!
.Thursday, 8 July 2010 ' 10:01 pm Y
OOOOHHH man saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddd. Lost my 1st ever bet!!! WHHYYYYYY... Tt darned octopus... T_T
My $10!!! I might as well have thrown it in the Singapore River, given it to charity, bought 2 manga books, etc. etc. of whatever u can do with $10. Lol.
This (drawn by me LOL) summarizes my feelings.
I'm not gonna try betting again for this World Cup. LOL. 1st time try alr lose.. If I try to recoup my losses by betting more, it'll be a vicious cycle..! NO TO COMPULSIVE GAMBLING! Lol.
If the enemy seeks us to surrender,
I, like a true Japanese man,
Will say "I'll consider it",
"Perhaps next time",
"We'll use discretion"
By all which I mean "NO"!
.Thursday, 1 July 2010 ' 10:37 pm Y
GERMANY!!!!! (this is not Hetalia related, if u r wondering.)
This is bcoz, for the 1st time of my life, I'm betting on Germany to win today's match against Spain! (just a small bet la, of coz.) I'm really nervous although the match is more than 12 h away (like WHAT?!! LOL)
I feel quite dumb betting against the octopus which has not been proven wrong in all the matches so far.. But I want Germany to win! Haha. (this is now Hetalia related. Although Spain-oyabun is really nice too.. but... opps. I'm obssessed la, shikes.)
Make takoyaki out of Paul the Octopus! I hope I win some money n I hope I can actually sleep tonight (what if i'm too nervous?? LOL)
If the enemy seeks us to surrender,
I, like a true Japanese man,
Will say "I'll consider it",
"Perhaps next time",
"We'll use discretion"
By all which I mean "NO"!