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.Monday, 19 July 2010 ' 11:17 pm Y
My dad said that his uncle, who used to be a butcher, had nicknames for his 3 sons, namely: 海猪,山猪,and some other pig tt can't be translated from hokkien into chinese. LOl.

And so therefore now my sis is a 海猪.

海猪 rendition #1 - UNDERWATER MODE!

海猪 rendition #2 - 蜻蜓点水FAIL. Worthy of failblog and fml.sg. LOL.

What a fata**. This kind of creature is BEGGING for a shark to eat it up LOL.


If the enemy seeks us to surrender,
I, like a true Japanese man,
Will say "I'll consider it",
"Perhaps next time",
"We'll use discretion"
By all which I mean "NO"!

.Thursday, 8 July 2010 ' 10:01 pm Y
OOOOHHH man saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddd. Lost my 1st ever bet!!! WHHYYYYYY... Tt darned octopus... T_T

My $10!!! I might as well have thrown it in the Singapore River, given it to charity, bought 2 manga books, etc. etc. of whatever u can do with $10. Lol.

This (drawn by me LOL) summarizes my feelings.

I'm not gonna try betting again for this World Cup. LOL. 1st time try alr lose.. If I try to recoup my losses by betting more, it'll be a vicious cycle..! NO TO COMPULSIVE GAMBLING! Lol.


If the enemy seeks us to surrender,
I, like a true Japanese man,
Will say "I'll consider it",
"Perhaps next time",
"We'll use discretion"
By all which I mean "NO"!

.Thursday, 1 July 2010 ' 10:37 pm Y
GERMANY!!!!! (this is not Hetalia related, if u r wondering.)

This is bcoz, for the 1st time of my life, I'm betting on Germany to win today's match against Spain! (just a small bet la, of coz.) I'm really nervous although the match is more than 12 h away (like WHAT?!! LOL)

I feel quite dumb betting against the octopus which has not been proven wrong in all the matches so far.. But I want Germany to win! Haha. (this is now Hetalia related. Although Spain-oyabun is really nice too.. but... opps. I'm obssessed la, shikes.)

Make takoyaki out of Paul the Octopus! I hope I win some money n I hope I can actually sleep tonight (what if i'm too nervous?? LOL)

If the enemy seeks us to surrender,
I, like a true Japanese man,
Will say "I'll consider it",
"Perhaps next time",
"We'll use discretion"
By all which I mean "NO"!

.Sunday, 13 June 2010 ' 3:08 pm Y
Haha actually I found this a few day before that horrifying new Gatsby ad on facial foam, just when I thought the nightmare was over haha.

Hetalia makes it a lot less gay than the original advert. Or maybe it's just me being biased, coz my sis thot the whole thing was still gay. LOl.

France = always gay so it's forgivable
Greece = too cute to be gay

The rest don't even look gay so yep :D

Appearance = France, Russia (KYAA!), Greece, Austria, Germania, Turkey, Sweden, Germany, America, Spain :)


If the enemy seeks us to surrender,
I, like a true Japanese man,
Will say "I'll consider it",
"Perhaps next time",
"We'll use discretion"
By all which I mean "NO"!

.Saturday, 12 June 2010 ' 11:07 pm Y
Random pictures that I JUST realised was in my hard drive aft Christina took it, lol. Took me long enough ==

At the airport ready for takeoff! Yay!
ELAINE!!! WHAT THE HECK!!! (is it too late for me to bash u up in school when I next see u? haha.)
In front of the clockwork tower thingy, eating mickey/minnie ice pops/creams (the ice pops/creams look as awesome as they taste!)
Can't you see I'm trying??

The super healthy breakfast from the hotel. By the time I was eating this, I had already gotten sick of rice, miso soup, salmon, nikujaga, sausage, egg, bacon and the likes. x_x And I miss my near pimple-free days. I think I need a few days of Japan therapy to get my pimple-free days back. LOl.


If the enemy seeks us to surrender,
I, like a true Japanese man,
Will say "I'll consider it",
"Perhaps next time",
"We'll use discretion"
By all which I mean "NO"!

.Friday, 11 June 2010 ' 3:02 pm Y
(feat. Group E of World Cup with Japan)
HETALIA, please don't make me a rabid World Cup fangirl now...

If the enemy seeks us to surrender,
I, like a true Japanese man,
Will say "I'll consider it",
"Perhaps next time",
"We'll use discretion"
By all which I mean "NO"!

. ' 2:10 pm Y
Japan Trip, continued!

Day 2:
• Visited Tokyo Women’s Medical University – Waseda University Joint Institution for Advanced Biomedical Sciences (TWIns)
• Briefly learnt about chronopharmacology and chrononutrition (how absorption of medicines and food respectively, are affected by the circadian cycles of the human body)
• The professor’s research also encouraged the government to introduce a campaign for people to wake up early and sleep early, as his studies show how the circadian rhythm affects bodily response such as alertness and memory.
• Explored facilities such as the animal lab which keeps rodents, fishes, frogs [gross] and salamander among others for research purposes) and work areas where bioengineering machines were made by students. The students kindly explained briefly about their projects. Most of them seem to be interested in heart surgery technology, including a simple machine used to train trainee surgeons for heart surgery, complete with a model that mimics heartbeat and a model blood vessel that has similar flexibility and texture to a real blood vessel; and a machine that allows blood in the heart to be pumped throughout the body. Through this, we were exposed to the marvels of bioengineering that promised endless possibilities in the field of medicical sciences.. I thought it was really cool how technology keeps improving allowing such medical breakthroughs for the better of humanity..
• Went to Waseda University’s main campus and had a magnificient view of their auditorium. Could not get up to the clock tower as it was locked.
• Visited art facility with small museum, interested in dramas of different cultures (English, Russian etc) and how Japan’s plays have changed over the times.
• Went to Shinjuku, Takashimaya. Went to look at upmarket brands such as Burberry Blue Label (unique to Tokyo and Spain) that is cheaper than the conventional Burberry.
• Went to the Tohru Govt Building to have a bird’s eye view of Tokyo. It was too bright and therefore we could not see Mt Fuji from there.

Day 3:
• Went to Hakone Old Town, which sells souvenirs and food products such as red bean cake and prawn crackers
• Visited the Hakone old immigration centre to visit the museum, mostly regarding military practices of the olden Edo period. It was snowing! Took lots of pictures as it was 1st time experiencing snow.
• Unable to go to Boiling Valley due to the snow, but went to Gentosha Factory Outlet where there are many premium brands gathered, and selling relatively cheap too
• Went back to near the hotel to eat dinner and practically trekked to and fro due to harsh winds (Tokyo was also snowing for the 1st time in many years)

Day 4:
• Went to Ginza Street which is said to be the most expensive street in all of Japan. Went down to the subway where we learnt about the different lines and how to buy a ticket (although we weren’t actually getting on 1), and how the Japanese normally take the train. Walked along the streets where every building was exorbitantly furnished
• Went to Lalaport which is near to retail pharmacy that we were to head to for some shopping as we waited for our turn to go to the pharmacy
• The person in charge of briefing was not around so Dr Henry had to brief us instead. We learnt a lot on how different Japanese pharmacies operate in contrast to Singapore’s.
• OTC products there are differentiated into 4 different categories which may also include Chinese herbal medicines and nutrition vitamins. Dispensing and stocking of OTC products are all under the charge of pharmacy technicians, and since most pharmacies operate via a supermarket concept, they may need to help with stock of normal goods of a supermarket as well.
• Pharmacists, on the other hand, only dispense according to prescriptions. Additionally, they also have to monitor the health and give health checks (w/o request of customer) of the various people who live nearby and depend on the pharmacy for stock of medication. This is because of Japan’s size which makes it hard to get medicine from elsewhere besides near the region you stay should there be an emergency or in case you forget to take your medications along with you if required.
• The pharmacy will need to stock up on medications for the people in the region with certain known conditions.
• Unlike in Singapore, doctors are not allowed to dispense. Therefore the only place to get both medications and consultation at the same time are hospitals. Pharmacies have less business as people prefer to go to the hospital as it is more convenient. The pharmacies still require updates on the patient’s conditions though, and the government helps encourage people to update pharmacists about their condition.
• Hotel has an outlet store nearby which is a good place to shop, like Gentosha but smaller.
• Bought FFXIII elixirs and keychains from Gachapon. (YAY!!)

Day 5:
• Went to Tokyo Disneyland. Queuing for rides took a long time as there were lots of people, with average queuing time of near 2 hours for the popular rides. We took a FastPass for the Monsters Inc ride which was the new ride in Tokyo Disneyland. We also queued for Astroblast and Haunted Mansion (these 2 rides are worth taking!)
• Watched musical Minnie oh Minnie! It was really energetic with fun, exuberance and outbursts of colours! I thought it would be childish.. but it turned out rather fun. I guess there's a kid in all of us huh :X
• Went shopping and playing around Toontown (scared the crap out of Lu Er with the electric door XD)
• The Electric Parade and the fireworks were dazzling in the backdrop of the nightsky.
• P.S. Peter Pan was the craze of the day coz he's kinda cutely handsome… Huimin and Huixin couldn't stop spazzing the whole day. LOL.

Day 6:
• Visited Shimadzu, a renowned medical equipment/analytical equipment/ testing and inspection machines/ aircraft equipment/ industrial equipment manufacturing company. (the guy doing the intros was quite handsome. haha :X)
• Focus for our trip at the branch office was their analytical instruments such as HPLC equipments, gas chromatography mass spectrometers and protein analyzing mass spectrometers
• Was also briefly introduced to the process of producing solar cells
• Then went to Narita Shrine briefly (nice and serene. my 1st thought: good for meditation??) before heading to the airport.

Haha this is near the exact version that I typed for Christina so that she can make the powerpoint slides! I got lazy at the 2nd half and I decided to summarize it lots (esp since I placed focus on the PS-related stuff as learning points of the trip...).

Next time I go to Japan, I shall go Akirabara and Otome Street. I want HETALIA stuff!!!! Haha.

P.S I'm updating this while working in the school's store. :X relaxing pace we have here esp. when no 1 is coming in... :D


If the enemy seeks us to surrender,
I, like a true Japanese man,
Will say "I'll consider it",
"Perhaps next time",
"We'll use discretion"
By all which I mean "NO"!


Qihua/ BPGHS/ Innova PAE/ Nanyang Poly SCL (LS)
Spastic crapper.
So-called "Tofu"
"Single-digit poly freak"
No sense of direction nor time


Get good grades
Go to Japan
Not screw up attachment
Get more sleep
Earn more money
Get to university


Music Playlist at MixPod.com



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July 2008
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November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
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October 2009
December 2009
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010


0823B PAE!
0823B's album
Cai Shi
Cheah Ling
Chong Siang
Chronos - Weiliang
Elizabeth (WIGGS)
FOR HER (My Sis's Blogshop)
Huimin Lim Lao Niang
Huimin aka God
Jia Xuan
Jia Yuan
Jun Yi
Li Wei
Li Yuan
LOH JING KANG(de joker.)
Miss Poppy the Bolster
My Sis's Personal Blog
Shawn Chow
Ting En
Woon Shan
Yi Kun
Yi Jun

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don't remove, thanks.